What is (Word) Bible?

 The word Bible means "book." The Bible was given this name because it is the book of God's words to us. The Bible is also sometimes called "Scripture," a word meaning "something written." The Bible is like a Library of 66 books put together into one big book. But all the books within the Bible talk about the same subject: God's message to us. The Bible tell us about God, shows us God's mighty acts in the lives of his people, and describes how people responded to God. From the Bible we learn what God is like and what he expects of us. 


Unknown said…
Well stated more of this..
Unknown said…
Well stated πŸ‘more of this...
Unknown said…
Inspired πŸ’―
Azmoney15 said…
More strength
Unknown said…
Inspired πŸ’―
Bayorlink said…
It's an enlighten info
Mercy said…
More wisdom
Unknown said…
What a masterpiece!!!
I'm absolutely inspired
Unknown said…
Educative 🀝
Everytime said…
Kudos to the source πŸ‘
Anonymous said…
Very interesting
Hammad said…
Great idea

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