

 We live in a digital world where we are use to looking at beautiful pictures, dynamic videos and engaging stories. Today, few businesses can survive without a solid strategy. And of course this strategy necessarily includes the design concept of your social network  It should be a design that speaks for itself and clarifies what brand you are currently viewing at a glance. A design that makes the user behold an image for a long time and enjoy its aesthetics. The type of design that makes you go 'wow' and wonder it was done. #DoNotStressYourself D'info Media is here for your satisfaction! 💫💚💯

What is the difference between being wise, intelligent, and clever?

  Can you solve “1 + 1 = x”? Mr. Intelligent : Sure, why not? It’s 2. Piece of cake. I have a hundred ways to prove it to you. Let me show you all of them. *starts writing and drawing on the board* Mr. Clever:  It’s 2. If you want to understand why, I’ll gladly bring you to my friend, Mr. Intelligent. He’ll prove it to you using a hundred ways. Mr. Wise:  He understands that he has no need to solve this question (according to his personal situation) and simply moves on. An  intelligent  person utilizes his mental capacity to solve problems. A  clever  person uses resources around him to solve problems. A  wise  person picks the right problem according to his personal situation. You can have a combination of these qualities.

How the Bible Was Written

 It took about 1,500 years for the whole Bible to be written from Genesis, written at the time of Moses, to Revelation, written by the apostle John about 65 years after Jesus' death. The books of the Bible had many different authors, living at different times and in different places. Yet none of these writers contradicts one another. God guided them so that they wrote in their own words what he wanted them to say. This means that the Bible is completely dependable and trustworthy book. We can believe everything it says because it comes from God.

Ten (10) truth everyone should accept in life!

If you know how quickly people forget the dead…you will stop living to impress people. Just because something feels good doesn’t mean it is good. And it just because you like someone doesn’t mean they are good for you. Some people are old at 18 and some are young at 90…time is a concept that humans created. Nothing good ever comes from working or sitting there feeling sorry for yourself. Keep positive, keep pushing on and things will turn good. One of the huge mistakes people make is that they try to force an interest on themselves. You don’t choose your passion; your passion chooses you. - Jeff Bezos To anything your children want to tell you. If you don’t listen to the small stuff now, they won’t tell you the big stuff later. Self care is also choosing not to argue with people who are committed to misunderstanding you. If you hang around 5 confident people, you will be the 6th. If you hang around 5 intelligent people, you will be the 6th. If you hang around 5 millionaires, you will b...

What is (Word) Bible?

 The word Bible means "book." The Bible was given this name because it is the book of God's words to us. The Bible is also sometimes called "Scripture," a word meaning "something written." The Bible is like a Library of 66 books put together into one big book. But all the books within the Bible talk about the same subject: God's message to us. The Bible tell us about God, shows us God's mighty acts in the lives of his people, and describes how people responded to God. From the Bible we learn what God is like and what he expects of us.